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handspun cowl

My first handspun project is now complete: a cowl that just happens to fit Mae perfectly, so it should keep her cozy this winter. I used this Ells pattern on Ravelry, which seemed to work well with the “character” of my first spinning attempt, but I modified it to be narrower and shorter, and it can also double as a headband. She had fun modeling it for me, and the chickens had fun photo-bombing her:


mae-cowl-cleo mae-cowl-head

Both Jonah and Mae helped me to knit a bit of it, and they enjoyed working with the super-bulky merino yarn and big needles as much as I did. πŸ™‚

16 thoughts on “handspun cowl

    • Thank you! I’ve thought about making the chickens something someday… just for fun, and to get some silly photos. πŸ˜‰ Little cowls would probably be the easiest things to put on them… or tiny legwarmers, hah!

  1. It’s beautiful – is it soft against Mae’s neck? And I love it as a headband. Quite the success from your first spinning project.

    Your chickens are total fame-seekers. It looks like they think you’re their private paparazzi πŸ™‚

    • Thank you! It is VERY soft… that’s the beauty of merino wool… not scratchy at all against the skin. And as long as the paparazzi occasionally brings treats, the chickens are totally cool with it. πŸ™‚

    • Thanks!!! My wrists are “ok” at the moment. Knitting is much easier on them than crochet, and spinning uses a whole different set of hand movements, so that helps to break things up a bit. My real problem is working on a computer 8 hours a day… or maybe just getting older. 😦

      • Lol! I have a desk job too and it is my darn shoulder. I was telling my gramma only 37 more years b4 I hit 68 and can retire. Glad they are a bit better! Your stuff is just so adorable!

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